Stop losing customers over bad delivery experiences: 5 essential tips

Huib Adriaans
Published on
April 19, 2024

The delivery experience is key for keeping customers. Discover the main causes and statistics of delivery issues. We'll share how you can improve delivery, even though it's in the hands of the carrier. Ready to turn delivery into a positive experience for your customers? Let's get right to it.

The delivery experience is key for keeping customers. With 85% of online shoppers stating that they would not return to a retailer after a bad delivery experience, it's crucial to meet their expectations.

But what are consumers expectations when it comes to delivery nowadays?

Customers’ delivery expectations for 2024

In 2024, customers demand quick, accurate, and transparent delivery services. Key expectations include:

  • Speed over price: 48% of the shoppers choose faster delivery over saving money. The message? They'll pay more for faster delivery.
  • Personalized experience: customers expect more personalized delivery options, including flexible scheduling and a choice of drop-off spots.
  • Effective communication: delivery updates via email, SMS, and push notifications are non-negotiable for keeping customers informed and making sure that parcels are delivered at the first attempt.

The effect of bad delivery experiences in e-commerce

Bad delivery experiences in online shopping hurt your business in two big ways. First, since the last mile delivery makes up 53% of shipping costs, any problems here can make things more expensive for businesses. 

This means that when deliveries go wrong, it costs a lot more money. Why? Because it requires sending new products or dealing with damaged products.

Second, when customers aren’t happy with how their items are delivered, they might leave bad reviews. These reviews can make other people think twice before buying from the same place, hurting the store’s good name and turning away new customers.

Causes of bad delivery experiences

Identifying the root causes of poor delivery experiences is the first step towards implementing lasting improvements. Common culprits include:

  • Delayed shipments: It is a leading cause of frustration among online shoppers, especially considering that only 4 in 5 customers got notified about their most recent shipment delay.
  • Missed deliveries: When customers miss deliveries due to poor scheduling or communication.
  • Poor packaging: Compromising the integrity and appeal of received items.
  • Wrong order shipped: An error that undermines customer trust and satisfaction.

5 tips to improve the post-purchase delivery experience

Tip 1: Invest in reliable delivery partners 

Selecting the right partner should transition from intuition to a data-driven approach; considering factors like how much it costs, package sizes, and how fast they can deliver. If you struggle to get the right information to compare different carriers properly, investing in a specialized tool that provides real-time carrier recommendations is a smart move. 

Tip 2: Offer delivery options at checkout 

Offering varied delivery options at checkout is essential, as 44% of online shoppers abandon carts if their preferred method isn't available. Including options for expedited shipping and pick-up points caters to those seeking the convenience of getting their parcels at a time and place that suits them.

Tip 3: Proactively resolve delivery issues 

Addressing delivery issues proactively is key to enhancing customer satisfaction. Relying solely on customer support teams can be inefficient and costly.

A better option? Shipping intelligence software like Tracey can predict delays, estimate delivery times, and alert you to incidents automatically. When integrated with your customer support, it offers an efficient and cost-effective solution which increases customers satisfaction too.

Tip 4: Offer automated tracking updates

To automate tracking updates effectively, integrate a reliable tracking system into your e-commerce platform. This should automatically notify both your team and customers about order statuses.

Want to stay top of mind? Send out branded notifications and make them clear for easy understanding. Such clarity is crucial for building trust, as it allows for quick problem-solving.

Tip 5: Monitor delivery performance closely

Regularly assessing and benchmarking your carriers' performance helps identify improvement areas, ensuring they adhere to their SLAs and meet your delivery standards. This helps you to always make the smartest choice for your shipping strategy and carrier partnerships.

Evaluate and improve delivery experiences for customer retention

Improving your delivery experience can feel overwhelming, especially when it feels out of your hands due to dependency on carriers. Yet, you're not powerless. By choosing the right carriers, gaining insight into the shipping process, and managing customer communications, you can transform this crucial aspect of your business. 

But this requires solid, actionable data, not just gut feeling. That’s why a shipping intelligence platform like Tracey can be your strongest ally here, providing the data and integration needed to make well-informed decisions. 

And the good news is, using data gets you quick results. Look at Rosefield Watches, for instance: 

“With Tracey, we gain control over our delivery process. By communicating delivery issues proactively, we’ve got our CSAT (+5%) and Trustpilot (+0.3️ stars) scores up in six months!” - Alex Formicola, Customer Support Lead, Rosefield

Implement these five strategies with the support of a data-driven decision-making tool like Tracey, and watch as you not only improve delivery experiences but also build customer loyalty. Bid farewell to financial losses and reputational damage from failed deliveries, and welcome back satisfied customers hungry for more.

Improve your delivery performance with smart data today

Numbers tell the true story

Online stores, 3PL providers and retail brands use Tracey every day to turn great shipping performance into happy customers

Accuracy of predicted delays
Reduction of inbound WISMO calls
Less time spent looking up customer data

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