Zendesk for e-commerce CS: How to set up an automated response to delivery issues

Huib Adriaans
Published on
January 31, 2024

Discover more on how CS automation improves NPS scores and slashes service department time.

Proactively notify recipients from Zendesk about issues during package delivery.

After an extensive test and pilot phase with several customers, Tracey has developed a standardised link with Zendesk that allows online retailers to organise and further automate their customer service processes more efficiently. 

This enables online stores and distributors to communicate proactively to recipients about possible issues that may occur during the shipment of packages. 

Why you should automate the first response to delivery issues

The first results of our automated response setup with Zendesk show the following:

  • Up to 45% fewer inbound calls
  • On average 11 hours earlier response to exceptions compared to carriers
  • 15% higher NPS score
  • 37% less time spent by the customer service department looking up information about issues with shipments

How do customer service triggers work with Zendesk?

With Tracey, you can set separate customer service triggers for variables such as country, exception and carrier. 

Based on those, a ticket in Zendesk is automatically created within a maximum of 30 minutes after an exception has been detected. 

As a result, you as a sender and your customer service are in the lead when it comes to informing the end customers. By setting up automated communication in Zendesk based on these tickets, you can automate the entire initial handling and communication of the issue. 

Tracey ensures that shipments with various carriers are continuously monitored and that you can flexibly organize your customer service processes with standardised reports on issues.

Why use Tracey for e-commerce customer service automation?

Tracey specialises in optimising the shipping experience. Once the package leaves the warehouse, most shippers lack control over this last part of the customer journey.

Because we keep track of what happens to the shipments for more than 45 carriers around the world, you are immediately in control if things go wrong. In addition, we use our predictions to keep track of whether there are possible issues even before the carrier announces this.

Discover the most accurate way to measure your carrier performance today

Numbers tell the true story

Online stores, 3PL providers and retail brands use Tracey every day to turn great shipping performance into happy customers

Accuracy of predicted delays
Reduction of inbound WISMO calls
Less time spent looking up customer data

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